Seasonal Greetings to all in the YWNR family. It has been incredible to witness this reserve grow from bare bones (well particularly the Chain of Ponds). The now Yalukit Willam Nature Association committee is proud to be part of a community who cares, cultivates, teaches, shares knowledge; or have been one of the many witnessing or helping create this wetland revival project.
The Bird team have been active all year round, collecting data monthly and this report culminates their efforts with the December Survey- wonderfully and comprehensively recorded by Sue Foster.

🦆🦆For Holiday Reading-Sue’s article in the current Banksia, titled What Bird is That? Surveying in Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve is a beauty. 🦆🦆You can get an insight into the consistent way these early risers are keeping a record of the reserve’s local birds and visitors and the joys of observing. Gio Fitzpatrick mentioned the other day that no matter how many times he visits the reserve, he always manages to see something he hadn’t noticed before.
You may notice next time you visit the reserve, that, like Christmas presents being unwrapped, the nets are one by one being removed. This will continue into early next year until they are all gone. It will be super interesting to see how soon and if this transformation will affect next years surveys.

Stay tuned and Merry, Happy and Safe Seasonal Wishes to everyone.