Wood duckling: Jo Samuel-King
Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey – Sue Forster
9 September 2023
Eighteen keen observers, including 3 photographers, turned up at 7.15am on a grey, overcast morning. With a temperature of 7° C and a cold gusty wind, most of us were rugged up in gloves and beanies. After completing our first 20-minute survey of Area A, around the original lake, we split up into 2 groups of 11 and 7 to survey the remaining 6 areas.
We recorded a total of 29 species across all areas; our third highest species count in 2023 (the peak was 33 in March). However, our total wetland species count of 17 turned out to be our highest for 2023, and 188 wetland birds were recorded compared to 156 ‘terrestrial’ (not including another 87 pest/feral birds).’

Hoary Headed Grebe – Tania Splawa-Neyman